🕹️ Minesweeper-Clone

This is a clone of Minesweeper that I made in C with Raylib.

How to Play

Minesweeper is a classic game that has been around for decades. The objective of the game is to uncover all the squares on the board without detonating any mines. Here are the instructions on how to play Minesweeper-Clone:

  1. Starting the Game: The game will start with a blank board filled with hidden squares, some of which may contain mines.

  2. Gameplay: You can choose a square by left-clicking on it. If it contains a mine, the game is over 💥. Otherwise, the square will reveal a number indicating how many mines are adjacent to that square.

  3. Flagging Squares: Right-clicking on a square will mark it as a potential mine location, helping you keep track of where you think the mines might be 🚩.

  4. Winning the Game: The game is won when all non-mine squares are uncovered. 😎

  5. Losing the Game: The game is lost when a mine is detonated. 😢


  • Left-click a square to reveal its contents.
  • Right-click a square to flag it as a potential mine location.

⚠️ Please note that this is just a very simple game I made to learn the basics of C. ⚠️

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